Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day! Cuba NM to ?

313 miles for the day so far.. And 1656 trip total. We're stopped for dinner at Kayenta, AZ in the Navajo Nation. We plan to finish the day at Page,AZ. We had just too much fun in Durango,CO to hurry away. Bicycle ride along the river, lunch in the shade at the railroad depot with superb ravioli, french pastry at a French bakery. And a beautiful highland cool afternoon at 6500ft elevation and greenness! before heading back to browner terrain and more heat.
The day started with COOL. Cold enough that the speedometer cable squealed as it only does in cold weather. Then at 4pm, an apparent fuel vapor lock due to excess heat. Oh, another first: over 4 dollars for a gallon of fuel; Cortez, CO. We knew it was coming. But, good news, too, with over 20mpg on the tank. Yippee! --Mark and Julie

The Benz says: I'm worth whatever the fuel costs! And I've been working hard for these guys with high altitudes, over 7000ft and hot weather. But we're a great team and they take good care of me. Though a bath would be nice. I've really enjoyed having Bearnadette along. Her sweater is really pretty with that embroidered three pointed star on it! -Benz

This has been a marvelous day. We diverted from our pre-planned route to visit Durango. Great choice. A local suggested that to us, and we want to always keep open the "get it while you can" attitude. Spontaneity...I savor it in travel.
Time to drive another 100 miles to ?Page. Grand Canyon north rim tomorrow.

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