Had a wonderful time in NY City! We were able to do so much in our 24 hours there. Julie Chase, Dad's friend from grad school, is a native of New York City and was our guide and navigator so Dad and I had very different experience than most tourists would. We arrived at Julie C's house in Queens around 4 pm. We drove the Benz in to Manhattan where I drove down Fifth Ave. and then Broadway. Later I found out that 16 year olds can't drive in the 5 boroughs unless the vehicle has dual brakes, so I drove illegally in NY City! Unlocked the gate to Gramercy Park and strolled around, then went up to see Julie C's apartment. Had dinner at Novita, an Italian restaurant next door to her apartment building. From there we walked to Union Square and Washington Square Park in light rain, which felt just wonderful. Then we headed back to Queens for the night.
The next morning we picked up bagels and lox at Julie C's favorite bagel shop then drove out to Jones Beach. I would have never thought of NY City as a water city, but there are lots of beaches on Long Island and plenty of access to water for boats in the city. Ate breakfast and swam in the Atlantic Ocean. Headed back to Queens, showered, then drove the Benz back to Manhattan. Rode the subway from the parking garage to St. Paul's Chapel and the World Trade Center site. It was extremely powerful to hear Julie C's experience of September 11. I realized how much more personal that day and the following months and years have been for the people of New York City. From her I also realized that it was an attack on the entire world, that faces of people from every country were on missing posters, not just Americans. Saw the Statue of Liberty from the outside restaurant we ate a late lunch at. Then it was time to leave. We took I-95 south through New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland to Virginia. We also dipped down through DC, feeling that we should visit the Nation's capital on our tour of the nation. Arrived at Liz and Howard Simpson's in Great Falls VA last night and have been enjoying our visit with them here in the rural horse country west of DC and along the Potomac River. mileages: 257 miles yesterday NY City to Great Falls; 8,140 total trip miles!
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